Our Youth

Through the Education Ministries we strive to deepen our relationships with one another, our community, and ultimately God. With Biblical teachings, we provide foundational truths that will equip all to preach the gospel to every creature and to provide opportunities for spiritual growth. 

Vacation Bible School
Check calendar for schedule.


A department to oversee infants and children on a volunteer basis while their parents/guardian or overseer may be attending worship service at the church and/or involved in activities. This is strictly voluntary. Age appropriate activities of biblical standards are offered during this time. Services and schedules subject to change as needed.

Children and Youth Ministry
Kingdom Kids are provided during scheduled Sunday Morning and Wednesday night services.

Summer Youth Impact Program
The children will be fed breakfast, lunch and a snack each day and experience eight weeks of age-appropriate behavioral and educational life skills, make new friends, make weekly trips to the public library, swim and to the movies. Teachers and summer youth workers will readily prepare them for their next grade level in English, Math and Science.

Operation Christmas Child