Our Next Generation

The Next Generation Ministry of First Fellowship Baptist Church is for young adults between the ages 21-41. They are high-energy and focused on serving the Lord. The current president is Bro. Ray Hill

On each month's third Sunday, the Next Gens are front and center in the different aspects of morning worship -- teaching Sunday School, ushering, singing in the choir, conducting altar call and the offering. They are a vital part of the church and Pastor Charles E. Odom is dedicated to helping them develop their gifts as they become the next generation of church leadership.

As dedicated members of our church body, Next Gens participate in various groups within the church on the other Sundays as well -- various choirs, the dance ministry, the culinary ministry, the men's and women's ministries.

The Next Gens are such a new ministry, much of what they will do is still to be determined, but they are approaching the possibilities with enthusiasm and they welcome other young adults to get involved.